Serenity in the City: Forest Bathing in Atlanta

Escape the hustle and bustle of Atlanta and discover the rejuvenating power of forest bathing, reconnecting with yourself and the natural world around you.

What is Forest Bathing?

Forest bathing (or shinrin-yoku) is a rapidly-growing, research-based way of supporting health, happiness, and well-being. More specifically, it is a mindfulness, embodiment and nature-connection practice that originated in Japan. The name refers to bathing yourself in the forest atmosphere through all of your senses. It's about engaging all of your senses and fully experiencing the sights, sounds, smells, and textures of the forest environment. In the process, you will s-l-o-w down, get out of your head, and into your body. Through forest bathing, we can reclaim our sense of belonging and our relationship with nature, whatever that may look like for each of us as individuals.


“Simply being present in the natural world – with all our senses fully alive – can have a remarkably healing effect. It can also awaken in us our latent but profound connection with all living things.”

- Amos Clifford

Health Benefits of Forest Bathing

Studies have shown that forest bathing offers a myriad of health benefits, including:

  • Reduced stress levels
  • Boosted immune system
  • Improved mood and mental well-being
  • Enhanced creativity and focus
  • Lower blood pressure and cortisol levels

Simply put, time spent in nature is good for us.

Why Choose Forest Bathing?

In Atlanta, finding moments of tranquility and connection can be challenging. Forest bathing provides a sanctuary where you can escape the chaos and nurture your mind, body, and soul. Whether you're seeking relief from stress, looking to enhance your mental clarity, or simply craving a deeper connection with nature, forest bathing offers a holistic solution.

What to Expect When Forest Bathing in Atlanta

The framework Wayfinders uses was created by the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs and draws on the latest medical research, new developments in the field of nature connection, and ancient traditions of mindfulness and wellness promotion. During your forest bathing session with Sarah-Nell Walsh, you can expect to:

  • Take a short and slow walk to connect with nature
  • Engage in guided mindfulness exercises to deepen your connection with nature
  • Immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and scents of Atlanta's beautiful forests
  • Experience a sense of calm and rejuvenation as you embrace the present moment
  • Leave more relaxed, less stressed and more in touch with the natural world within and around you.

The Forest is the Therapist.

The Guide Opens the Door.

Meet Your Atlanta Forest Bathing Guide, Sarah-Nell Walsh

The Forest Bathing experience will be led by Sarah-Nell Walsh, an executive coach, a certified forest therapy guide, and Founder of Wayfinders, LLC. Sarah-Nell is passionate about helping people thrive both personally and professionally. She seeks to help people develop resilience to the stress of daily life through connection with nature. She appreciates all that she has learnded from the natural world and is grateful for every minute she gets to spend in the forest.

You are invited to join one of Sarah-Nell's public walks in Atlanta or email her about incorporating forest bathing into your next corporate retreat or team building day!


About Wayfinders

Wayfinders Executive Coaching helps ambitious professionals and entrepreneurs advance their careers, grow their businesses, hone their leadership skills, navigate the intersection of life and work, and make their desired impact on their families, organizations, and the world.

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P: 404-919-5566

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